leave on 2.15pm from my brother's home at cheras to LCCT airport....2.30pm having lunch at my brother's home area..then around 3 oclock we continue our journey to LCCT..about 15 minutes like that,suddenly the rain is coming..waaaaa....so heavy..xnmpak jln da nk drive...my heart felt so worried..but dun want to bother anyone else..so i'm juz quite..but i know that sumthing gonna b happen..then it's already 3.30Pm but we still on the road..What???..3.45++ heee buley ke cmtu??we arrived at LCCT..then i put all my things on the troli..only my sister in law was accompany me to the check in counter..the rest still find the parking..huhu..cuak beb time tu..3.50pm..standing in front of boarding departure time..and at the same time the word open change to close for flight AK5212 counter..WTF!!!!...Shit!!!Damn it!!What should i do...dlm kpale ni da tbyg New ticket!!!n one thing i've already imagined bguni2 bebelan dr mama..Tidakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.....Then i've quickly call my cousin mrangkap pA ak tok bli tket Flight...Kak Mah..then she said juz ask to the next counter and asking them for helping me..lari sana,lari sni..then i reached the last counter or maybe it's for emergency case counter..can i named it like that??what ever..ni kn cte aku so it's up to me la..wakaka..the Mr.Counter said..he cannot do anything bcoz i'm too late..huhu..but i kept begging him...at first he said that i can fly but no luggage are allowed..what???sume bj ak dlm tu la sengal..hurm..but aku nekad..if anything pun i have to fly and juz leave the luggage..as long as my ticket not burned juz like that..RM 240 tu beb..gle ke..len la ak ank tauke balak...then i still begging him for take along my luggage..i think dia pun da serabut ngn rayuan manja aku tu..hahaha..then he juz giv me the permission to bring along the luggage and asked me to timbang the luggage tu cpt2..i thought after timbang tu all the problems are settle la...but it's not juz like that..my luggage was overweight..hurm aku da agak da..20kg tu..then my sister helped me to rearranged all the things inside the luggage...haha milo 2kg tu pas kuakn trus ngam2 16kg beg aku..but i have to dera my blkg ngn pikul laptop n 2kg milo...Alhamdulillah i'll already in Kuching at 6.15pm..thanks to all who were helping me secara langsung or xlangsung..wakaka...but it's was so drama..wakaka..i thought i cannot forgot this drama smpai beble2 pun...thanks to all extra actors too..haha..
The End..
huhu.. cayunk2.. nasib baik la sempat jugak.. kalau x, melayang lagi la kan. len kali p la awal2..
leh snap2 gamb, kali ni tak tido ke. ke bedebar sangat nk kena tinggal sampai xleh tdo?hehe
haha..tu la pasal...
biasela da g awlpun ke lain gak...
actually ni gmbr lmenye..bkn cyg punye pun wakaka..ni gmbr mber cyg amek time kitorg g sabah dulu..cayunk konpem la tdo je..xde mkne nk snap2 nie...kah kah kah..
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